Hi! I am Leandro and here is where
I will keep my personal Power BI developed reports used for studies.

All other codes and stuff will be kept in GitHub repositories.

Adventure Works

Report built for training, focusing on the entire development pipeline
ETL > Data Modeling > Data Visualization
Used AdventureWorks SQL Server Database to import data, analyse and build the Viz.


Report devoloped focused on some Olist datasets provided on Kaggle

Bootcamp - Power BI Experience - Xmax Squad

Dashboard developed on a Squad team for the Power BI Experience Bootcamp - Xmax Version
The Santa Klaus Factory was willing to understand their business better, with a Santa Klaus Love KPI (IGAPN) as the main metric.
To achieve this, many other KPIs were necessary to compound the general focus, like: On Time In Full (OTIF), Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), Stock and others.
The squad and other informations about the project are found on Xperts BI Website

Bootcamp - Power BI Experience - Xmax Edition

This was missions to accomplish individually right before the Squad Team on Power BI Experience Bootcamp - Xmax Version

Movies Highest Grossing - Webscrapping

Report developed for Power BI class on my post graduation in Data Science & Big Data. The main focus was to understand better some connectors like the webscrapping used to take the movies gross data.